Tram Town
Sunday, December 07, 2003
Category: Google
Type "miserable failure" into Google and click on I'm feeling lucky. The Whitehouse bio for the President? Hmmm... how long this will work, I don't know.
Of course the words themselves appear nowhere on the page or in the HTML. The way the Google hack has been achieved is that terminally miserable pinkos everywhere are producing a link to the bio page using the text "miserable failure". On leftist blogs' comments sections you can frequently see comments with just this text and link. Google takes a second order approach to indexing and thus picks up these words as significant. Can you say "web guerilla"?
Interestingly, Kartoo, which I would have thought to be a bit more discriminating in its quest for information over pure data, also suffers at the hands of the information-age VC.
I have not searched far and wide but the miserable failure epithet seems to come from a Dick Gephardt speech.

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