Tram Town
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Category: Mars
I have marvelled at the successes (while being horrified by the budgets) of various space programs but I cannot get with the idea of a manned Mars mission. I remember while watching television coverage of the lunar business in 1969 we were told Mars was ten years out. It has remained so ever since and will continue so for many years. So here's the big statement... It will not happen in my lifetime! (I am 44) Here's why...
  • Just getting back to the moon will cost so much it will scare future presidents
  • The technological capabilities will be strained because the length of the trip means all risks are amplified many fold
  • There is no-one to "beat" to Mars as there was to the moon
  • Accidents on the ISS and the moon in the next ten years will put the public offside
  • The length of the trip dilutes propaganda (and related upside) opportunities substantially
  • The scientific opportunities of having humans there are simply not compelling given current droid technology
  • Current movie making technology makes films that look much better than the real thing, again diluting propaganda opportunities
  • The pressure on the US to kick-start ailing economies around the world (by various means, including war) will divert attention and funds from any martian escapades
  • Dubya hasn't even spoken yet! My guess is he will promise the moon and then hint at Mars
Just One Guy's Opinion.

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