Tram Town
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Category: Yartz Black Jack McEwen's name was not mentioned in this article quoting "housewife" Robyn Nevin. Every other PM since the war is mentioned and apparently all have provided significant support for "sensitive people expressing emotions" except mean-spirited little jackass John Howard and his hero Pig-Iron Bob. Perhaps she should take up history teaching at an elite level. I am going to make up a list of actors who I don't despise... here we go:
UPDATE: Joan Collins added to the list! UPUPDATE: Vincent Gallo gets a provisional guernsey! UPUPUPDATE: For funding the avoidance of a Kerry presidency, Kelsey Grammer. UPUPUPUPDATE 24dec2004: Tim Blair is doing a Tribute to Tim Blair 2004 over at his site at the moment. I must have missed a reference to Dan Aykroyd in February. It seems he was on Dubya. He will be undespised until his return to the Dark Sideā¢ in 2008. |