Tram Town
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Category: NGVI
Last Saturday, the Hun had a story about a Victorian convicted murderer (of a police officer) who is running a drafting business from his cell. According to the Hun, he has worked on the plans of the very prison in which he is incarcerated but, supposedly, "security was never compromised".
Now it turns out, according to Radio One's news reports last night, that he worked on the plans for the $168m renovations on the NGVI (which originally cost $13m). I wonder if he worked on any glass restraint issues?
I have no reference for the article on the ABC site because I can't find one. Given the detailed stuff that does get a guernsey, I can only imagine that it has been deliberately left off the site. Does anyone know their way around abc.net.au/news?

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