Tram Town
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Category: Kinky
This time it's Kinky for W:
Time changes the river, I suppose, and it changes all of us as well. I was tired of Sudan being on the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations. I was tired of dictators with Swiss bank accounts, like Castro and Arafat and Mugabe, masquerading as men of the people. I was tired of Europeans picking on cowboys, everybody picking on the Jews, and the whole supposedly civilized world of gutless wonders, including the dinosaur graveyard called Berkeley, picking on America and Israel. As I write this, 1.2 million black Christian and Muslim Sudanese are starving to death thanks to the Arab government in Khartoum and the worldwide mafia of France, Germany, China, Russia, and practically every Islamic country on the face of the earth. What happened to the little boy who cried when Adlai Stevenson lost? He died in Darfur.
Go over to Tim Blair's place to read more and if you can fight your way through the subscription system at Texas Monthly you can read the whole thing there.
UPDATE: The full text is now pointed at above but the comments at Tim Blair's place are still interesting (with the exception of my mistyping "memories" instead of "memoirs").

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