Tram Town
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Category: Words
From Michael Quinion's World Wide Words mailing list (which I have subscribed to for many years):
Rachel Hitchcock e-mails: "Being a student of linguistics, I'm really amused by ambiguous sentences. I'm on AOL and they have news headlines that appear on the welcome screen. One such heading today (January 26th) read, 'Iran: U.S. threatens world peace' and the corresponding news story had a headline that said, 'U.S. Tops List for Threatening World Peace: Iran'." Your political standpoint will determine whether you see ambiguity here ...
Some readers of TramTown may be interested to know that Michael Quinion was the founding "Curator of the Cider Museum in Hereford". Subscribe for a one-a-week email that is great fun and edifying to boot.

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