Tram Town
Friday, May 27, 2005
Category: Musicians
It's not just actors who are important, musicians are pretty darned special as well. Thom Yorke of Radiohead has made a very important observation:
Understandably unwilling to leave the great moral questions to rival Chris Martin of Coldplay (who, readers will remember, recently identified "shareholders" as "the greatest evil of the modern world"), fellow theologian/ethicist Thom Yorke of Radiohead ventures to disagree. Mr. Yorke maintains that ultimate evil is instead represented by "people denying that climate change exists," as the Indy's "5-Minute Interviewer" puts it (not online).
Asked how he felt upon hearing the opinions of such individuals, Mr. Yorke responds that "it is a flagrant evil, more evil than anything else".
I'm really glad to be informed of that. Hitherto, I would certainly have put quite a few things ahead of trying to clarify a few claims of a very young science in the evil continuum. Sometimes I wish I could just ring these guys up every time a contentious issue comes up. Thank god the press considers them important enough to report.
Elsewhere in the item, Yorke is quoted thus:
You can make CDs from hemp - it is not impossible - but nobody is doing it because they can't be arsed.
Thanks for alerting us to this genius, Scott Burgess.

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