Tram Town
Friday, July 01, 2005
Category: Nutrition
The Hun had obviously not had an item about child obesity for some time and jumped at the chance of a bit of press-release journalism when this opportunity came along:
"It's kids' health versus corporate wealth," Prof Swinburn said. "Companies are undermining a parent's ability to provide a healthy choice for their children."
The boffin in the lab coat made a rhyme! And which parent is he referring to? He seems to be being quite specific.
Mother Kate Hulusi said misleading ads made it hard for parents to encourage healthy eating. "I feel sorry for the parents who aren't aware of it and just believe what they see," she said.
For which read: "I feel superior to parents who aren't as intellectually endowed as I am".
Mother KH again:
"Young children don't understand the concepts of fat and sugar and carbohydrates and they see these ads and think it looks good so they want it."
That's what they've got parents for, Mother! Oh, and also, given her fear of the boogey man sugar, have a look at the picture in the article, two children surrounding a smiley-faced watermelon. Watermelon has 90% water and 9% sugar; it makes a thick shake look like a Healthy-Choice option.
These sort of press releases do nothing for the credibility of the clowns at http://parentsjury.org.au/ because they insist on blaming everybody except the parents for a child's dietary intake. Back to the lead paragraph:
PINT-sized pester power is winning over parents to buy unhealthy foods for their children and advertisers are to blame, a parents group warns.
I wonder if it's the same parent as mentioned by the boffin. And what about the apostrophe?
"Poor journalism slammed by Parents Jury for low literacy scores in children".

Still on the topic of food:
Dinner from a toilet bowl

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