Tram Town
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Category: Cronulla
I think we will all need to read many accounts, opinion, chronologies, whatever before we can even begin to understand what happened on Sunday. I will list some of the ones that impress me most here:
  • Zoe Brain is hosting an item by long-time Cronulla resident Benjamin Amy. It is Benjamin's eyewitness account of Sunday's events. It includes a couple of pictures.
  • Former Sydney police detective Tim Priest follows up on an article he wrote for Quadrant nearly two years ago called The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia. UPDATE: I had read Tim Priest's article when it was originally published in Quadrant but I re-read it in toto this morning on the tram. It is not surprising that some are asking if Tim's middle name might be Nostradamus.
  • Andrew West has a couple of blog posts at the SMH. The first condemns the behaviour of the riotous Cronulla locals. The second dismisses the notion that ALL cultures can be compatible. I don't agree with everything in the first but taken together with the second they present at least a rational two halves to a many-halved issue. [Andrew has since removed all references to the second post due, apparently, to contrarian viewpoints. The post remains on the site but does not appear in any archiive lists. Read it while you can.]
  • The Bolta quotes Tim Priest and provides quite a lot of other background.
  • Janet Albrechtsen has much to say about the mixing of cultures.
  • Slatts starts with "Lazy commentators have been barking “racists'’ all week about the Cronulla boofheads" and goes on to a lot of different places from there.
  • Slatts pointed at a terrific article by Keith Windschuttle about recism and multiculturalism.
More to come...

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