Tram Town
Monday, May 22, 2006
Category: Braxy
I was stunned when I heard on ABC radio news yesterday that Steve had claimed that "the Howard Government had to accept responsibility for the abuse in Australia's indigenous community because of inaction". I was not the only one. Slatts had this to say:
The violence and abuse has been going on for at least three decades and the shiploads of money — but mind you, little condemnation from Labor governments — did nothing to stop its expansion.
And of course, Bracks being an ex-teacher is so much in the thrall of political correctness he can’t understand that well-meaning responsible individuals were reluctant in the past to comment on the scandalous situation for fear of being branded ‘’racist” by the likes of ATSIC and its supporters.
Bracks himself in the past would not have referred to such matters, because to do so would be, to use his favourite chicken-shit word, “inappropriate'’.
I couldn't agree more.

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