Tram Town
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Category: Climate
From Professor Emeritus Philip Stott comes a simple truism that should be shoved down the throat of anyone who starts getting all CO2ish on you:
Climate is the most complex, coupled, non-linear, chaotic system known, and it is intrinsically unlikely that climate change can be predicated on a single variable, or factor, however politically convenient.
Memorise it and be prepared!
Also, from the same item (regarding the Stern report):
Countries like China will happily go along with the ideas in principle, while - and who can blame them? - developing as fast as they can, although at the moment they appear not even to have heard of Sir Nicholas! They will delight in producing all the world's solar panels for a gullible West, while still opening a coal mine per week.
What an image! Twenty years fom now we will be drowning in alternative energy junk and the Chinese will be drowning in the money we paid for it.
Sometimes I wish I could prepare Johns Thwaites' and Ian Campbell's daily reading lists. They might learn something... but then again...

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