Tram Town
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Category: Telly
I mentioned some time ago that I had watched Serenity the movie and it was good. Here's the important thing: watch Firefly the TV series first. Firefly came first but there are a few bits and pieces in Serenity that are chronologically intertwined with Firefly. What is important is that quite a bit of the mystery of the series is cleared up in the film.
None of this will come as news to anyone who is really interested in television Sci-Fi I guess. As it happens, I have never had much interest in television Sci-Fi except as a kid with Doctor Who (I also admit to watching a couple of episodes of the recent Doctor Who series and being very impressed). Firefly costs a bit over $40 at JB and I recommend that you go get it and get Serenity at the same time. Just One Guy's Opinion™.
Acting good.
Production good.
Scripts good (except for one of the telly episodes).
If something might get 10.0/10.0 from me, this would be it.

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